
The Steve & Huey Show

Weed N’ Stiff 2: Bobson’s Revenge for the Nintendo Entertainment System

Calgames has released the second game based on the band Weed N’ Stiff, for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Titled Weed N’ Stiff 2: Bobson’s Revenge, this side scrolling beat ’em up is the sequel to 2020’s The Legend of Weed N’ Stiff and features new characters, locations from the band’s history, and much more weirdness.


Take control of the band Weed N’ Stiff,and fight to saveRock N Roll!

Jim Weed and Dill Stiff have had their musical essence stolen by Joe Bobson, singer of the rival band Moo Cow. You need to help the boys get their essence back, defeat Bobson once and for all, and restore the band’s legacy.

Venture from home, throughout the land, to outer space and beyond. Guided by the band’s #1 Fan, you will encounter enemies and mini bosses from the…

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3 responses to “Weed N’ Stiff 2: Bobson’s Revenge Released for the NES!”

  1. […] satirical comedy act like my good friends Weed N’ Stiff (who just released their second Nintendo Game *shameless additional plug*) but no, as it turns out when I looked deeper into William’s […]


  2. […] N’ Stiff (who just released their second Nintendo Game *shameless additional […]

